29.5.2018 | 09:08
4 Unique Places In Iceland!
In This project we supposed to write about 4 unique places in Iceland. I wrote about Svartifoss, typpasafn,Grimsey and Hvķtserkur. I wrote about Svartifoss because of its base and the lava columns surrounding the waterfall. I wrote about Typpasafn because it has the largest display of penesis in the world. The museum has 36 wheal penesis and 118 land mamal penesis. I wrote about Grķmsey because its a beatuful ķsland. On the ķsland only lives 86 people. There is not much to do out there exept exploring the ķsland. And finnaly Hvķtserkur. I wrote about Hvķtserkur because its a beutiful 15 meter high beasalt. It is few meters away from land and i highly recommend you to visit these places.
Um bloggiš
Szymon Karwowski
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